Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Landscaping increased my property value.

I bought a house in Currituck , North Carolina in 2006 and it had no flower beds, plants, flowers, or shrubs. I was a florist for 20 years so the fact I could create my own landscaping design myself didn't bother me at all LOL so I drew it out on paper and started digging. I have a small bed with a mimosa tree that was 2ft tall when I got it now it is about 12ft. A couple different types of palm trees that were also 2ft tall when I got them. Two big beds in the front, a lit up stone walkway out to the water. A year later after doing all my landscaping, I decided to get my property reappraised, THE VALUE OF MY HOUSE WENT UP 67,000! Landscaping is 100% return!